A warm welcome from Atsuko, the owner of healingsequence, London UK.
healingsequence is the home for Traditional Acupuncture, Kampo-Japanese Herbal Medicine and Yoga Therapy.
In this new blog, I would like to share some ideas and insights on healthy living from oriental medicine and practice points of view.
The first up will be a collection of the intriguing ideas and insights on healthy living from one of the Dr Tei’s books (the original in Japanese):
“Train your Intestines to Loose Weight and Become Healthy!”
About Dr. Munetetsu Tei:
Dr. Munetetsu Tei M.D. is the University President and Professor at Nihon Pharmaceutical University, and the owner and head doctor of Hyakusai Clinic in Tokyo. He specialises in treating patients living with cancer and other complex diseases using a combination of modern medicine and Kampo medicine.
I have read many of his books and found his teachings on healthy living from a kampo point of view fascinating; and wanted to share these with my non-Japanese speaking clients. With permissions from Dr. Tei as well as his publishers, I would like to start off my new blog about Your Intestines, Weight and Good Health!
Welcome again to the blog, and I hope you enjoy it.